Mon, Wed, & Fri: 9:00 AM
Tues & Thurs: 11:00 AM

1220 Gym Road, Building 486 Dobbins ARB, GA 30069


Dobbins Fitness Assessment Cell

The vision of the Dobbins FAC is to promote a year-round culture of fitness that emphasizes total fitness, including proper aerobic conditioning, strength and flexibility training, and healthy eating. The goal is to increase productivity, optimize health, and decrease absenteeism while maintaining a higher level of readiness.

The FAC military duties consists of training PTL (physical training leaders) and UFPM (unit fitness program managers) on their responsibilities of augmenting the PT test (PTL) and managing the unit’s fitness program (UFPM).

The FAC assigns Myfitness user roles and privileges to authorized personnel and enter member’s scores into the Myfitness within five duty days of taking an official fitness assessment. Upon completion of an official test the FAC files the 4446 in a secure file cabinet as official record for members. Outside of official PT testing the Dobbins’ FAC conduct fitness classes, CPR training, Fitness improvement programs, and a corrective improvement program.

Request A Physical Assessment or Reserve the Track